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Pionirska dolina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

List of facts we found about Pionirska dolina

Pionirska Dolina made headlines at the beginning of the 1992-995 war when Sarajevo was kept under a 43-month siege by Serb forces, which constantly pounded the capital with artillery and sniper fire.
Zoo " Pionirska dolina " Anubha's House Baragaon Sailaja Nivas(Vadakoot Pisharam) .gajendra vihar bahay ni lakay businessman Kvp house Thalavilamukku shashi's home randi NITIN.M.
pionirska dolina tucked in a tight valley just below Bukovik Mountain. It's a fabulous place. And one that I am grateful to have called home for so long. I often rode the bus to town. So did 6 year old first graders.


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